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Becoming a Member

A few easy steps

1) Check your ELIGIBILITY
2) Understand the RESPONSIBILITY
3) Read the RULES
4) Tell us about YOU & your ORGANIZATION

Become a Member: Services
customer service

Membership Eligibilty

Any domestic U.S. entity, for-profit or non-profit, whose professional, business, or operational activity supports the nation’s health security and the core national healthcare system is eligible for HPHSCC membership. This includes but not limited to: self-employed physicians, owners and operators of healthcare facilities, health care organizations and suppliers as well as professional associations, professional societies, and agencies or organizations with subject matter experts that contribute to the mission of the HPHSCC.    



Know your Responsibilities

Membership requires a level of participation; however, participation is broadly defined to be as inclusive as possible. Formal involvement in the HPHSCC governance bodies and workgroups is encouraged, but not required.

Additional membership venues for participation in HPHSCC efforts, include:


  • Contribution to and/or utilization of one or more products and services offered by the HPHSCC, such as: online tools, safety guides, secure channels, priority alerts, and conference calls;

  • Responding to HPHSCC inquiries and requests for information;

  • Communicating questions and concerns to committees; and

  • Talking with others about critical infrastructure issues and the efforts of the HPHSCC


Understand the Rules of Engagement

Sector Coordinating Councils are based on trust.  It is essential that public sector and private sector companies act with integrity to ensure productive and trusted communication exchanges.  As you consider joining the HPHSCC, take a look at the code of conduct for membership.

Become a Member: About

Applying for Membership

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Agency / Organization Member or Subject Matter Expert with the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council.  For general inquiries or contact with the HPH SCC Leadership Team, please email




Your information will be reviewed, and a representative from the Secretariat of the HPH SCC will contact you.

Become a Member: Contact
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